MICHAEL BAILEY is the Facilitator:
“I share the Heart of the ancient Enlightenment Traditions
in a fresh and immediate way —
open, relaxed and lighthearted.
Together, we rest in our natural state:
the Ultimate Medicine.”
Michael has a long history studying and practicing in the Enlightenment Traditions.
He is currently working with Peter Fenner, PhD, a leading spiritual teacher in the modern adaptation and transmission of Asian enlightened wisdom worldwide, and author of the book and 7-CD companion audio course, Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditioned Awareness.
Michael and Peter have collaborated on a feature-length Contemplative Documentary, “AWARENESS,” which not only describes but reveals the essence of enlightenment. To watch it for free, please go to awarenessmovie.org
Michael completed Peter's Natural Awakening Training for teachers and therapists, and also studied Japanese Rinzai Zen under Dr. Richard DeMartino, Prof. Masao Abe,
Lay Zen Man Jeff Shore, and Roshi Keido Fukushima, Zen Master and Head Abbot of Tofuku-ji Temple in Kyoto, Japan. In the Tibetan tradition, Michael received a Yamantaka Empowerment from Lama Glenn Mullin, and a Milarepa Empowerment from Garchen Rinpoche.