

Find a quiet place. Sit comfortably. Relax. And the best way to relax is to let go of the need to do anything, the need to know anything, the need to accomplish anything. Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing for a few minutes.

Nothing needs to be done because This is beyond all ideas of methods, goals and outcomes.

If you feel the need to dispel any intense energies, stand up and shake it off. Then sit back down, take a deep breath and a long exhalation. Settle in. Get comfy.

Now . . . just be present to whatever is happening, without focusing on anything. Let it all happen — sights, sounds, sensations, thoughts — without agreeing or disagreeing. Whatever is here, is here. Whatever is not, is not. We’re just wide open, taking in reality as it is right now, however it is, without judgment, reaction, comparisons or the need to do anything.

We’re like a mirror, undisturbed by its reflections, naturally serene.

We’re not focusing on “what we are aware of” — instead, we’re resting in our natural, innate awareness: “This, which is aware,” This without which we wouldn’t know anything. We’re aware, and we know we’re aware, so simply tune into This . . . it’s not a thing — it’s unfindable — but here it is, undeniably!

We’re just relaxing and resting as our aware presence that’s always already here, no matter what.

And taste how good this feels, how refreshing, soothing, like a cool breeze:
being present and aware without any needs or concerns — just resting in the fundamental fact of Pure Being. We’re like the sky, and our thoughts, feelings and perceptions are just clouds floating by in our spaciousness.

Even saying “Let it be” or “acceptance” is not accurate — we’re resting here in This where nothing needs to be done because it’s already primordially and naturally perfect. Hence: Effortlessness. Wu Wei. Just This!

Here we are, . . . naturally in harmony with everything and nothing. This is the source of profound peace, wellbeing and healing. And the joke’s on us: we’ve never been apart from this Ultimate Medicine — we just haven’t noticed it, because there’s nothing to notice!

Hang out like this for as long as you want. Think of it as a sweet little vacation. Then, when you decide to end this contemplation, notice that you didn’t begin anything, nor are you ending anything. You’re just moving on to the next task at hand. Realize that nothing’s different because, no matter what, we’re always right here in the natural peace of awareness. Let this realization saturate your life.

May all of us be free of suffering by recognizing awareness
and then resting in the wellbeing of our natural radiance!